Comment réparer un mur percé après l'installation d'une Poutre d'Escalade : Guide Complet

How to repair a leaky wall after installing a <tc>Climbing hangboard</tc> : Complete Guide

When installing a Climbing hangboard in your home, it is common to drill holes in the walls to securely attach the equipment. What to do if you need to remove or move your hangboard ? You find yourself with holes to repair to get a clean, smooth wall. Discover our complete guide to effectively repairing these holes, with detailed steps and practical tips for an impeccable result. Whether your wall is placo, brick or concrete, follow our advice to restore the aesthetics of your living space.

Top 10 des meilleurs exercices pour les grimpeurs débutant sur poutre d'escalade

Top 10 best exercises for beginner climbers on <tc>Climbing hangboard</tc>

Discover the 10 best exercises to start on a Climbing hangboard and improve your Grip strength, endurance and technique. Follow our detailed advice for each exercise, with explanations on the objectives, progressions, required equipment, and the best time to perform them. Remember to always warm up properly to avoid injuries and progress at your own pace to reach new heights in your climbing practice.

Comment choisir son pack Deltaboard ?

How to choose your pack <tc>Deltaboard</tc> ?

Find out how to choose the ideal Deltaboard pack for your home climbing training. From revolutionary adaptability to commitment to innovation, the Deltaboard is built for every levelx and evolves with you. Learn how to install your Climbing hangboard, and explore the different packs to find the one that suits your needs, your goals and your budget.